Lolo School District consists of two schools - a K-4 Elementary and 5-8 Middle School

  • Geographically, Lolo SD's boundaries run as far south as Maclay Ranch Road, east to the Bitterroot river, north past the flashing light, and west to approximately Roper's Gas station; almost all within a 3 mile radius of the school district.

  • Enrollment Approximately 535

  • Employees: Approximately 93

  • Lolo School consists of six main buildings throughout, which are found the wide range of Lolo SD services:

    • Building 1 - maintenance building used for facility maintenance, kitchen storage, school supplies and equipment storage and utility vehicle storage

    • Building 2 - contains the K-4 Elementary office, school cafeteria/food service, elementary gymnasium, library, grades K-2 and the Title I program

    • Building 3 - contains two kindergarten classrooms

    • Building 4 - (three story building spanning lower through upper level) contains grades 2-4, art, music and the middle school gymnasium

    • Building 5 - contains the district office and grades 7-8

    • Building 6 - contains the Middle School office and grades 5-6